Efficiently converting waste heat into useable energy.

HTES Technology

Our technology is unique and unmatched anywhere in the world.

In the realm of commercial building setups, there’s a notable potential to slash HVAC demands by up to 45%, alongside a significant 25-35% cut in the costs related to electricity or natural gas. This shift not only trims down operational expenses but also marks a substantial step towards reducing the carbon footprint. Specifically, Data Centers can lower the exit temperatures of their cooling water before its reintroduction into the natural environment, promoting a more eco-friendly operation.

On a larger scale, utility solar power generation could see a boost in efficiency, with the possibility of increasing megawatt-hour (mWh) output by up to 40%. For coal and natural gas power stations that continue to operate, there’s an opportunity to decrease fuel usage by 10% and amplify power production. This is achieved through the conversion of British Thermal Units (BTUs) into mWh, potentially reducing or even eliminating the reliance on cooling towers, though this would vary from one case to another.

Contact us today to learn more and see how implementing our system will save you money and address your green initiatives.